Saturday, September 13, 2008

Obama Boy

Seeing Obama try to explain the lipstick gaff the other day reminded me of a scene from Tommy Boy. So I hope you enjoy Obama Boy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

MSNBC has "LEFT" The Building.

Ok, so the past two nights I thought I would watch "the other side" of the news to see how they handled their coverage of the Republican convention, as well as their pre and post commentary. A few observations:

Observation Number 1
When did Keith Olbermann become the freakin' grammar and quote cop of the tv media. Last night he corrected J. Lieberman, not face to face of course, but later of his misuse of a George Washington quote, as well as "in the act of fairness" made sure that Barack Obama's words were used in the right context. Tonight he's correcting the delagates on the use of the word "pundit" and not "pundint." Thanks Keith for the continued education.

Observation Number 2
As a fellow videographer, the shot you set up and capture means everything. If a picture shows a thousand words, then how many words make up 29.97 frames per second. From previous work that I've done, a great way to show that your words are staged or not really from the heart is to actually show the teleprompter as a speaker is talking. This reminds the audience that they are just acting, and not really speaking from the heart. Twice tonight during Sarah Palin's speech MSNBC showed a back shot fully showing her reading a teleprompter. I suppose to remind the audience that she was "reading" her speech, one that was written for her. Now I didn't watch the DNC convention on MSNBC, but I would almost bet some serious bucks that they didn't use the teleprompter shot with Barack Obama. Tell me if I'm wrong though.

Observation Number 3
Andrea Mitchell just cracks me up. Last night she was just stunned that J. Lieberman spoke out against Obama. Stunned! She knew he was obviously going to support McCain, he was speaking at the RNC convention, but it was like she was just shocked that anyone would dare to actually speak against Barack Obama. Then tonight she just looked pissed when interviewing Rudy G., who knocked it out of the park with his keynote speech, and asked him if he "had any pause going after him [Obama] this hard and belittleing him the way you did?" Rudy's response, "No." Love it!

Ok, so there goes my first "political" blog entry.


Getting Old!

Ok, so I am now officially old. Last night I had my first rehearsal with the band at Valley Church. I may not have been the oldest guy there, but I'm getting close. Most of the rhythm players are probably in their early twenties. Anyway at one point while rehearsing "Only A God Like You" by Tommy Walker, during the instrumental break after the second chorus, I asked the keyboard player if he could give me some Bruce Hornsby action over the top. He just looked at me with a blank look and said "I have no idea what you're saying to me?" I then had to explain who Bruce Hornsby is, so finally I'm like, "you know...(singing) 'That's just the way it is. Some things will never change." When the electric guitar player, another twenty something, says..."Oh! You mean Tupac! I didn't know Bruce Hornsby did it too?"

If you're curious I had to dig it up and found it here. (


The old man.