Friday, February 13, 2009

Buyers Remorse.

The first time I felt buyers remorse was when I was 16 and for the first time had to actually work for the money that I was spending. It was 1983 and I was dying for a pair of the latest black Reebok high-top shoes that everyone who was anyone was wearing. The only problem is they were $78.00 dollars. A lot of money in 1983 to this young man. I begged my parents to buy me some and they informed me that I was free to spend my OWN money and purchase the shoes of my dreams. So at the first opportunity I ran to the nearest Foot Locker, pulled the plug and bought these wonderful shoes. It was as I walked out of the Foot Locker that I started to get that feeling of "What did I just do? $78.00 dollars for a pair of shoes? Am I insane?" I experienced the feeling of getting what I thought I wanted, but then realizing the consequences of what I just did.

Tonight our elected officials are walking out and heading home after approving one of the largest bills ever to pass through congress. And from what I've read many of them haven't even had the chance to view the bill they are voting for. I wonder if they too are having that same feeling that I once felt while leaving Foot Locker.


Shane Vander Hart said...

I wish that they were feeling buyers' remorse, but I doubt those who voted yes are.

Sean said...

what's this thing with shoes? You wanna talk about something?
